One Bouquet of Artificial Mixed Roses, Daisies & Marigolds. Floral decor for your home or office.
1 floral arrangement of red roses, white roses, daisies, yellow marigolds, purple sprigs and green foliage
Approx 60cm wide x 55cm tall
Flowers are made from polyester
Beautifully presented in black & gold plastic wrapping with a yellow ribbon
Free-standing – plastic cone inner base
Makes a beautiful decor piece for your home or business, or a lovely centrepiece for a wedding table
Bring your room to life with this stunning floral arrangement featuring bright yellow marigolds, delicate daisies and classic red and white roses! This self-standing, elegant bouquet of flowers will add a lovely, welcoming look to your home, office or workplace – just display the flowers on a bench or table to instantly uplift your room!
This beautiful, full arrangement is perfect for reception areas at doctor’s surgeries, dentists and other corporate offices, and can also be used in place of fresh flowers or wreaths for funeral and gravesite memorials.
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